All systems are go at Pelican Pointe. The plumber came in last week and hooked up the water. We were able to take the port -a- potty back to the place we rented it from for the summer. We were quite glad to see the blue and yellow vestibule leave the lot. But it did serve a purpose for the workers and us on occasion this summer. But good riddance. The new toilets in the house are really cool low water consumption and it is amazing how something as mundane as indoor running water can lift your spirits.
Herman taking the thing out of Pelican Pointe.
Sask. Energy trenched in the line on November 10 and set the meter on November 15th. Non too soon either as the wind chill is hovering near - 25C or lower this past week. When we went out on Saturday
we walked into a nice warm house. Yippee. Too bad I had to get all whiny and nasty and go the political route to get the gas line in. But at least it is done.
Tried out the spa tub. Put too much smelly bubbly stuff in there and almost had a bubble disaster. Will know better for next. time. It is lovely to have a warm home with hot and cold running water. The simple pleasures of life. I look around at this amazing place and am so thankful.
This is only the last part of November and we have a ton of snow already. The Subaru can plough through almost anything.
This is Dexter our Dog on the the snowed in road leading away from our place. The snow was pretty deep already but the Subaru still made it through. We are going to buy a snowblower this week. We are the last place on the road before the lake and we don't think the snow plow will make it out very much, if at all. So we will have to make our own road.
This shot was taken from the pointe. Looks a little different in winter than summer. But the place is still beautiful. We woke up to see coyotes running on the lake and the last of the geese and ducks flying off for the winter.
This is a great time of year at Pelican Pointe. There is total silence at our place except for the birds that are migrating. The lake has just started to freeze and the ice is too thin to be on. So no motor boats, no jet skis. The ice is too thin for snowmobiles and ice fisher people. We have no tv, no internet and don't play the radio or music very often. So silence. Nice.............